Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Rappers And Rich People

A coupla hilarious statements in the press today regarding rappers and rich people.

First, the rich folk and their addiction to private jet aircraft and all around tax elusiveness, from the NYT...

"Rollins Inc., a pest control company (Orkin to be specific. Atlanta-based I might add) with a market value of $1.4 billion, has its chief executive, Gary W. Rollins, use its planes for security reasons. The company paid his taxes of $7,214, bringing his travel income to $116,988 last year."

"Michelle Leder, who tracks corporate compensation on her Web site,, wrote that the only rationale for security needs at Rollins could be if 'one day cockroaches decide to start fighting back.'"

Story in full here.

And then the rappers. From a Village Voice article about how indifferent the NYC radio station Hot 97 is to their special little problem of numerous guest rappers-with-entourage shooting each other up at the West Village studio. Says the reporter:

"As far as I know, the only time Hot 97 has openly taken a stand against this stuff was when they wouldn't let Nas burn Jay-Z in effigy at Summer Jam."

Ah, rappers and rich people - laughingstock to middle America. Big Cindy Tee ain't quite as bemused as I am though.

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Black Tree Blocks His Way

Coupla things to offer you here you might enjoy... Rusty and Amber podcasted and posted the Kos (Daily Kos) gathering last night to the Georgia Podcast Network. Color me pleasantly surprised, but I may have detected a slight progressive pulse in our red state.

The place was packed like sardines to hear Kos pontificate on liberal "progress." He said not to get too excited about taking back much of anything in '08, but given the progressive infrastructure being laid on the Internet, you can go ahead and knock yourself out, go wild and be optimistic about 2016.

You can also read a really special post by Rusty about how his romance with Amber began. (On a blog of course.) Reading it warmed even my own long-gone-cold, weary old heart. Ah, young lovers...

I also want to test out this song sharing ability Napster now offers. I'll give you one of my old goth faves today since it's rainy and moody out. I've always loved this song on dark days. It goes best with tea and biscuits and a fire in the fireplace, but whatever's on your own cooker'll work too. FYI, it took a bit for all players to download the song to where it actually played. But hey, it's free. Sigh...

I always liked Napster over iTunes anyway. I thought their search function was much easier to find and use the artist offerings (albeit limited). I wouldn't mind resuming relations with Napster since you can buy a seriously uncool little player that's compatible with Napster (I assume) for a very uncool $40-bucks at Publix in the Dollar Bins every now and then. That little player (comes in color choices even) is so uncool it might be seriously cool to have one... now that I'm poised to be found on iTunes when the Georgia Political Digest lists our podcasts there. Possibly by next week!

And also by next week, despite a host of hosting woes, TrueGritz is still scheduled to put out on the 15th. Busy world we live in, eh?

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Monday, May 08, 2006

Georgia Podcast Network, Y'all

A cool, techno-minded Atlanta couple, Amber and Rusty (yes, they are smarter than you, especially combined) has created the Georgia Podcast Network. Many long hard days after working hours were surely put in to get this service up and running, so stop by often to support this dream home team.

Better yet, get your own podcast going and put out on the GPN. (Need help? Don't panic because my new co., WaySouth Media, will be ready to help any day now.)

Rusty blogs here. Amber here. And that gal sure can write! But not for the simple-minded, easily offended reader. Consider yourself warned.

Rusty and Amber will be podcasting the Kos appearance at Manuel's tomorrow night. See below entry for more details, and see you there.


Friday, May 05, 2006

Announcements Announcements Announcements

"...a terrible fate to be talked to death, a terrible way to die." Least that's what we used to sing at camp anytime the lead-dog counselor would take to the mic.

For you SGR readers only... a special sneak preview of TrueGritz -- a peek at lots of goodies comin' your way.

NEXT WEEK: Don't miss Big Swinging Blogosphere Dick, Kos, when he's here in town at Manuel's -- May 9th at 7:30pm. I'll see you at that one fer sure.

Before you're outta here, my pal Tom Roche reports being the first person to recognize "out in the street" the newly-minted celeb, Ray McGovern. Ray's the CIA nutter who dared play a round of tough guy Q&A with Rummy during his recent visit to the ATL. You can see that infamous event in full here.

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Monday, May 01, 2006

Have Some Fun

The annual Inman Park parade on Saturday was a blast. I dragged along my cranky six-year old, who clearly did not want to leave a Harry Potter computer game to attend yet another loopy, mommy-inspired event.

Ten minutes into the parade, fourteen burly bearded men in tutus waving pompoms, dozens of costumed dogs, a Big Gulp full of candy, and a neckload of beads later I got my vindication: "Mom, I'm really really glad you made me come to this!" There was even representation from a local Harry Potter fan club marching by. So she goes to DragonCon one day. As long as it keeps her out of the Young Republicans.

When local politcos floated through, I somehow restrained myself from yelling "Wiki Wench" at a convertibled Cathy Cox, still with some of the worst highlights good money can buy. Mark Taylor was ahead of Cox in the lineup, looking like he'd managed to shed a few pounds.

My favorite float was the E.A. Yacht Club's boatload of nutters, naturally enough. E.A.Y.C. is now celebrating twenty years of getting us ATLers totally trashed.

Also, just in time for one more Immigration Day rally, here's another Georgia Political Digest column from moi.

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