Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Directions To Anderson Cooper

In what surely has to be one of the stranger emails I've ever gotten, I clicked-on the directions to the screening party for Planet In Peril I'd never been invited to in the first place (tonight at the Georgia Aquarium at 6pm) and... voila... AC360 himself!

What a total tease this non-invitation was though as even though the bizarre email also included a full alphabetical listing of invitees who had previously RSVP'd in time to get a slot at tonight's premier, AC was not on the list -- proving once again Atlanta has no celebrities worth trying to con your way into anything over.


Frakall said...

In your excitement, you must have forgotten about DR. Sanjay Gupta. He counts as a celebrity, right? I saw their MASSIVE billboard downtown last night on my way to the Hawks game - it's biodegradable. We're getting lawn chairs and umbrellies to see what happens when (if) the rain comes...

Grayson: Atlanta, GA said...

Given our dearth of decent celebrities, let alone ones who can stay out of the criminal court system, then yeah, sure, I'll give you your Dr. Sanjay Gupta, although I've always felt he has this overly marketed guality to his celebrity. Then again, don't they all.

Be sure to call me when that billboard starts to go. I want to film that fer sure!