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I thought Ann Coulter's classic "We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity" quote was one of the greatest "Wish I had a dick" moments of bullshit rhetoric to rise to the occasion. (The occasion being the post-9/11 political and cultural landscape. And yeah, about the only time in my life I prayed for some really big balls, and an F-16, were the days immediately after 9/11.) I kinda cherish those thirteen words, not because I'm a church-goer; rather, it's always good to give a nod to a gen-u-ine mistress of excellent bs when you come across one. Men do it all the time. Then again, they're better writers than women.
This is the second post of yours that I've come across on Reddit. Just like the first one it seems to have been written by either a drunken 5 year old or some sort of simian typing experiment. Please either learn the basics of sentence construction or cease and desist from blogging.
Take your dumptruck and get outta my sandbox, dude.
You children aren't helping with the regular media's image of us blogger folk as monkey's throwing poop at each other. But what do I know? I got a little aroused by picture of gag-ball Ann.
Hey, John Wallis, here's a well-constructed sentence: "Bite me, asshole."
MSM could use a little more monkey poop, less pandering, you ask me, which of course no one did. Then again, they've got The Donald and The Rosie O'Donald going at it today. Talk about your monkeyfuck!
And you go Possum. Sic 'em. Grrrrrr. Poor bastard... he won't know what hit him!
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