Thursday, December 14, 2006

Pray For Gasper

Oh dear. It's not looking good for Gasper. I can't bring myself to tell Ava there's a sick Beluga down the street. The Belugas are her favorite part of the aquarium.

Now I've seriously got to sneak down there to get a Beluga for her stocking. She wanted one soooo bad, having patted a fluffy white thing most longingly at the HUGE gift shoppee on your way out of the aquarium. (We've since been using the upstairs exit so you can bypass the gimme shop.)

1 comment:

griftdrift said...

The Carp Boys made our first visit to the Aquarium yesterday. We were so fascinated by the Belugas. We asked about Gasper and you could tell the volunteer was trying to put on a happy face but the subtext was things were not well.