Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Big Media Dreaming, On Such A Yucky Day

I enjoyed writing this comment on John Sugg's blog so much that I'll just turn it into an open letter right here!

I have a Big Media dream... a dream that Atlanta media, alt and otherwise, will one day be free of the bonds of the fatuous, white male pomposity and uselessness that currently bind our local radio, TV and print to the wheel of cultural irrelevance as it continues to pass dull, relentless, tired 'ole opinionista babble off as some kinda fresh journalistic leadership.

Thank you Jesus, for most of us weary longtimers now have the power to tune-out the tired 'ole likes of Sugg and Shipp and Williams and Lindsay/Clark and Edelstein and Bookman and Wooten and Boortz, and move on to other perspectives via new media and mediums.

Your thought leadership is now hollering only in the vacuums of boring insignificance you've talked and written yourselves right into.

I gotta go pour another cup of coffee and power-up the iMovie.

Oh, one other thing... I'll toss Lois Reitzes in to the above pit 'o names to give you boys something to play with. Then again, you wouldn't know what to do with her. She doesn't crank-out silly trash-copy about sex and girlie-gay stuff; she just plays really hideous music on our public airwaves for 6 agonizing hours a day.



Amber Rhea said...

Love it!!

I may have to quote this on my blog...

I have a Big Media dream... a dream that Atlanta media, alt and otherwise, will one day be free of the bonds of the fatuous, white male pomposity and uselessness that currently bind our local radio, TV and print to the wheel of cultural irrelevance as it continues to pass dull, relentless, tired 'ole opinionista babble off as some kinda fresh journalistic leadership.

griftdrift said...

Two things I love about my little cabin in south georgia.

Local news that may be corny but feels real.

88.9 WFSU that actually plays content all day long instead of audio morphine.

Grayson: Atlanta, GA said...

Your crown of media roses, my dear Princess Amber, lies there in the white male excess of Atlanta Media Land. You need only turn-on your laptop and take what is rightfully yours. Trust that I've got your back.

Now how do you get the canopy down on this ancient piece of shit X wing?????

Grayson: Atlanta, GA said...

Grift hon: Do ever leave your folksy cabin? I need a date, one night only, to the Press Club Gorilla Ball on the 30th. Word of your handsomeness has reached my ears here at the palace.