If you hear howling throughout Atlanta, it's the sound of my kid being told she's not going to be seeing Hannah Montana live anytime soon, as there seems to be a blatant ticket scam going on center stage at Ticketmaster and the Gwinnett Arena. From an
AJC blog today:
Tickets went on sale Saturday morning to the “Hannah Montana” show in November at the Gwinnett Arena. Not only were they sold out pretty much instantly, there are reports of people who were first in line at a Ticketmaster outlet being told there were no tickets available.
Full post
here. The scalpers sure got their paws on the tickets real quick-like though. Check out the scalped ticket
prices on eBay!
Check Ticketmaster regularly in the weeks leading up to the concert. They usually release more tickets at the last minute. That is how I got mine to Tom Waits last year, and that sold out in like 4 minutes.
I'm not saying that scalpers didn't get their hands on choice tickets, but here in Houston, the pre-sales pretty much cleaned out the whole stock. MileyWorld.com offered tickets for pre-sale, but you have to pay $30/year to be a member. Then the Houston Rockets season ticketholders were offered first dibs on tickets a week in advance. There were probably only a few hundred tickets actually offered to the "public."
At least in our case, she may come back for the Rodeo in March, where she can sell almost 100,000 in three minutes like she did last year.
When is that concert? My advice would be to wait it out. Even if ticket brokers bought all of the tickets at the pre-sale, if the demand really does not justify the prices they are asking, then the price will come down. Once the show is over, the ticket is worthless, so they'll have to sell.
The issue here really isn't about whether The Princess gets to see Hannah live or not; the issue is about why is it that the tickets get into the hands of the scalpers first and thus not available to Joe Public? BTF outta me, and if I had a media empire, like say Cox Plantations, I'd sure be sending some peeps out to ask some hard questions of TicketMaster and Gwinnett Arena and the Hannah Montana people.
Like so many parents in Metro Atlanta I had hoped to take my daughter and her best friend to see Hannah Montana. Since my daughter is a member of her fan club we were eligible to take buy tickets on Pre-sale on Tuesday, September 11th. I was on the computer before 10 and with my first submission to TicketMaster, I was told that no tickets were available no matter how many I wanted or what price level I choose. I called TicketMaster and was told that there were a limited number of Pre-sales and they were all gone. I figured there was no way tickets could already be available at StubHub or even TicketMasters resale site....but there they were. Within minutes of the start of the pre-sale StubHub had over 100 tickets already priced $138.00 for the least expensive. I keep hearing how TicketMaster takes so many steps to keep scalpers out. I hate to break it to them but it is not working. I just checked both TicketMaster Exchange & StubHub and there are only 4 tickets currently available through TicketMaster. Two for $396 each & @ for $420 each. StubHub currently has 231 tickets available. The least expensive can be yours for the small price of $161.00 or if you are feeling wealthy go for the tickets selling for $1765.00 a piece!!! It is really sad that the true fans of Hannah Montana are missing out on seeing her!!
The same just happened here in DC. We were fan club members just we could do the presale and we were only allowed to buy tickets for a show in our state (we were going to have a girls weekend in Atlantic City and see the show) and by 10:02am there were only single seats left. I am furious!
The same thing is happening in Florida. I was online at 10am and tickets were already sold out for 2 different cities I would have been able to attend. I know people in the fan club and they couldn't get them either. I just hope that nobody will buy from these scalpers and they end up with a whole bunch of unsold tickets. Maybe they will do something when Hannah's team realizes there are so many empty seats.
After not getting tickets during the presale, I called Tickemaster for advice and they advised me to have as many people as possible on-line, on phones and in line at TM locations. I had about 10 people in my family doing this and my Mom got thru on the phone and purchased 4 tickets for $34 each. She got an order no and the seat no and everything.
I noticed that the charge didn't appear on the credit card statement so we called Tmaster and they said "Oh, sorry the charge didn't go thru". We received no notification what-so-ever. I called my credit card co and they said there was no attempt to charge the sale to my card. Someone is not being honest at Ticketmaster. How can you not have tickets if you have a confirmation? I sincerely believe that someone working there sold those tickets for profit and I am extremely angry. I will be yelling about this at the top of my lungs until I get some satisfactory answers.
Miley is a great role model for the rest of the music industry.
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