Monday, March 19, 2007

Pony Up With SPLOST 3

As much as I hate to miss a moment of good bitchin' and whining, I will also roll-up my sleeves and get to work as needed. So when I rant about media, politics, etc., chances are I'm also out there creating new media product, writing about politics, voting, volunteering, actively campaigning, etc. Lends cache and credibility for those times when we need to shoot our mouths off about whatever ails us, eh?

In that same vein of logic, I also send my kid to public school. You can't be part of the solution until you comprehend the problem from a deeply personal basis, and have a vested interest in improving it, if you ask me. Tomorrow is a chance to vote to continue funding/sales tax for APS schools with a "yes" vote in the Special SPLOSH III election tomorrow, Tuesday March 20.


SPLOST III could generate approximately $550 million
that would help fund the following improvements:

• Complete major renovations on 27 schools:

16 elementary schools (Boyd, Capitol
View, Fain, Lin, Dunbar, Continental Colony,
Fickett, Hill, Peyton Forest, Rivers, Kimberly,
D.H. Stanton, Venetian, Waters, Whitefoord,

7 middle schools (Parks, Walden, Carson,
Young, Bunche, Archer, Sylvan)

4 high schools (Mays, North Atlanta,
Southside, Therrell)

• Address increased capacity needs in growing
areas of the city (elementary schools in midtown and
the northeast; middle schools in the northeast/west
and southwest)
• Install energy-efficient HVAC systems
• Update and improve security systems
• Update infrastructure to accommodate new
technology (computers, Internet, etc.)
• Resolve maintenance issues, including replacing
roofs at several schools

"With the continuation of the SPLOST 1% sales tax, everyone who shops in Atlanta helps share the costs of capital improvements. This would not be an increase in property tax millage rates."

Investing now in education and educational facilities for Atlanta's children is our legacy -- and our future. Amazing things are happening within APS. I couldn't be more pleased with my child's experience and education in the APS, so please don't just whine and bitch about "government schools" when there are so many ways to be part of the solution -- and not just part of the problem (of neglect).

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