Friday, February 23, 2007

Some BFF Blair Turned Out To Be

Because it takes at least two strong people to wage total world warfare, Condi sure comes in handy while Cheney's in the Pacific. I ROFL-ed right on outta the bed at 6am sharp to the handy informational tidbit, from Rice, that (sooooooo now-former BFF) BPMTB was withdrawing British troops from southern Iraq because, gasp for air here if you need to, that was part of the Bush Admin's overall strategy for Iraq! I am not making this up; here are her very words from today's NYT:

'The British have done what is really the plan for the country as a whole, which is to transfer security responsibility to the Iraqis as the situation permits,” she (Rice) said during a visit to Germany. “The coalition remains intact and, in fact, the British still have thousands of troops deployed in Iraq.'

Well, so much for my good intentions to YouTube you all another delightful new post today. Instead, I've now got to drop everything and go back through years of archived emails to find yet another overlooked one from Office of The POTUS, one I surely deleted purely by accident, in which they tell us, the 'Merican public, all about about this obvious "plan for the country (Iraq) as a whole."

Silly me, I'm so absent-minded. I keep missing all "the plan" memos! I know there's one in here somewhere. Must have been sent to the Spam folder -- again. Maybe if I search under Sender for "Condi." That way I also stand a chance of coming across all those national security warnings she "issued," back at the ranch of course, all through summer of 2001.

1 comment:

Timothy Moenk said...

omg.. I nearly sneezed out my chocolate milk reading the title on this one!